Upcoming OneKey MLS Migration to new MLS system

Hello API Data Consumer,

We want to notify you that the OneKey MLS will be merging their two MLS systems into a single system beginning on October 28, 2024.

As a result a Data Consumers receiving OneKey MLS data through MLS Grid will be required to make the following changes in order to continue to receive OneKey MLS data. The details of the changes can be found below.

MLS Affected: OneKey MLS

Date of Change: Migration begins on 10/28/2024 All Resources Will Be Affected, Data Consumers will transition to OriginatingSystemName 'onekey2' Type of Change: Data Consumers will need to reimport OneKey MLS data

Description of Changes:

  • New OriginatingSystemName: 'onekey2'

As part of the migration ALL Data Consumers currently receiving OneKey MLS data through MLS Grid will need to change the OriginatingSystemName used in requests to the API to the new OriginatingSystemName 'onekey2'

Example: https://api.mlsgrid.com/v2/Property?$filter=OriginatingSystemName eq 'onekey2' This change requires ALL Data Consumers currently accessing OneKey MLS data to conduct a new initial import of all OneKey MLS data from the MLS Grid

This new OriginatingSystemName will become available on October 28, 2024. Permissions for this new OriginatingSystemName will automatically be added to your existing access token.

In order to continue to receive OneKey MLS data you will need to transition to the new OriginatingSystemName and complete your initial import before November 18, 2024.

After November 18, 2024 the OriginatingSystemName 'onekey' will be permanently removed and only the OriginatingSystemName 'onekey2' can be utilized

  • New Local Fields Prefix: KEY_

With the change to the new OriginatingSystemName ALL Data Consumers will now receive local fields for OneKey MLS with the new prefix KEY_ Example: ONE_AdditionalFeesYN will become KEY_AdditionalFeesYN

List of MLS Grid Local Fields Prefix

  • New Prefixed KeyField Values: KEY

With the change to the new OriginatingSystemName ALL Data Consumers will now receive Prefixed Key Values with the new prefix KEY

Example: ListingId ONE12345 will become ListingId KEY12345

List of MLS Grid Prefixed KeyField Values

  • New OneKey MLS Fields

As part of the migration ALL Data Consumers will need to adjust mappings of OneKey MLS fields as some of the existing field names will change or be removed. Many of the field names will remain the same, but others will be different and more compliant with the RESO Data Dictionary.

For that reason new data mappings for OneKey MLS are available in the Mappings section of your existing MLS Grid account (app.mlsgrid.com/developer/mappings)

  • Additional Changes to OneKey MLS ID values

Additional changes MLS ID values for listings member records from the previous MLS systems will also occur. These changes are outlined in the MLS Documentation section of your existing MLS Grid account under the OneKey section and can be downloaded using the link below

Upcoming OneKey® MLS ID Changes

Please take appropriate steps to address these upcoming changes. Between October 28, 2024 and and November 18, 2024 MLS Grid will run the existing OriginatingSystemName 'onekey' and the new OriginatingSystemName 'onekey2' in parallel to assist vendors in transitioning to the new Heartland MLS feed. After November 18, 2024 you must transition to the new OneKey MLS feeds in order to continue to receive OneKey MLS data.

Last updated